Sap Netweaver As Implementation And Operation Pdf
SAP Explore Blogs. This report will take delivery document number and delivery date from user and fetches details from delivery table and fetchescorresponding sales order details and billing details and displays sales order details with ALV list. Report salesorderreport. Table declarations TABLES likp. SD Document Delivery Header DataSelection Screen Elements SELECT OPTIONS sdeldoc FOR likp vbeln, Deliverysdldate FOR likp lfdat. Delivery Date Type declaration of the structure to hold specified delivery header data YPES BEGIN OF typeslikp,vbeln TYPE likp vbeln, Deliverylfdat TYPE likp lfdat, Delivery Datekunnr TYPE likp kunnr, Ship to party. END OF typeslikp. Type declaration of the structure to hold specified delivery item data YPES BEGIN OF typeslips,vbeln TYPE lips vbeln, Deliveryposnr TYPE lips posnr, Delivery Itemvgbel TYPE lips vgbel, Document number of the reference documentvgpos TYPE lips vgpos, Item number of the reference itemlfimg TYPE lips lfimg, Actual quantity delivered insales unitsvrkme TYPE lips vrkme, Sales unit. END OF typeslips. Type declaration of the structure to hold specified data in Customer Master YPES BEGIN OF typeskna. TYPE kna. 1 kunnr, Customer Number 1name. TYPE kna. 1 name. Name 1. END OF typeskna. Type declarations . Type declaration of the structure to hold specified sales document header data YPES BEGIN OF typesvbak,vbeln TYPE vbak vbeln, Sales Documenterdat TYPE vbak erdat, Date on Which Record Was Createdaufnr TYPE vbak aufnr, Order Number. END OF typesvbak. Type declaration of the structure to hold specified sales document item data YPES BEGIN OF typesvbap,vbeln TYPE vbak vbeln, Sales Documentposnr TYPE vbap posnr, Sales Document Itemmatnr TYPE vbap matnr, Material Numberarktx TYPE vbap arktx, Short text for sales orderitemkwmeng TYPE vbap kwmeng, Cumulative Order Quantity in sales Unitsvrkme TYPE vbap vrkme, Sales unit. END OF typesvbap. Type declaration of the structure to hold specified billing item data YPES BEGIN OF typesvbrp,vbeln TYPE vbrp vbeln, Billing Documentposnr TYPE vbrp posnr, Billing itemvgbel TYPE vbrp vgbel, Document number of the reference documentvgpos TYPE vbrp vgpos, Item number of the reference itemfklmg TYPE vbrp fklmg, Billing quantity in stockkeeping unitvrkme TYPE vbrp vrkme, Sales unit. Sap Netweaver As Implementation And Operation Pdf' title='Sap Netweaver As Implementation And Operation Pdf' />END OF typesvbrp. Type declaration of the structure to hold specified sales socument header,sales document item data,delivery item data,billing item data YPES BEGIN OF typesorder,vbeln TYPE vbap vbeln, Sales Documentposnr TYPE vbap posnr, Sales Document Itemerdat TYPE vbak erdat, Date on Which Record Was Createdkunnr TYPE likp kunnr, Sold to partyname. TYPE kna. 1 name. Name 1aufnr TYPE vbak aufnr, Order Numbermatnr TYPE vbap matnr, Material Numberarktx TYPE vbap arktx, Short text for sales orderitemkwmeng TYPE vbap kwmeng, Cumulative Order Quantity in sales Unitsvrkme TYPE vbap vrkme, Sales unitvbeln. TYPE lips vbeln, Deliveryposnr. TYPE lips posnr, Delivery Itemlfimg TYPE lips lfimg, Actual quantity delivered in sales unitsvrkme. TYPE lips vrkme, Sales unitvbeln. TYPE vbrp vbeln, Billing Documentposnr. TYPE vbrp posnr, Billing itemfklmg TYPE vbrp fklmg, Billing quantity in stockkeeping unitvrkme. TYPE vbrp vrkme, Sales unit. END OF typesorder. Data declarations Work variables ATA wcontainer TYPE REF TO clguicustomcontainer, Reference variable for containerwgrid TYPE REF TO clguialvgrid. Sap Netweaver As Implementation And Operation Pdf' title='Sap Netweaver As Implementation And Operation Pdf' />Reference variable for grid Field String declarations Field string variable to hold sales socument header,sales document item data,delivery item data,billing item data,fieldcatalog,layout record ATA fskna. TYPE typeskna. 1, Holds Customer master recordfsvbak TYPE typesvbak, Holds sales header recordfsvbap TYPE typesvbap, Holds sales item recordfslikp TYPE typeslikp, Holds delivery header recordfslips TYPE typeslips, Holds delivery item recordfsvbrp TYPE typesvbrp, Holds billing item recordfsorder TYPE typesorder, Holds sales order recordfscat TYPE lvcsfcat, Holds fieldcatalog recordfslay TYPE lvcslayo. Update Guide CUSTOMER Software Update Manager 1. Document Version 1. Update of SAP Systems Using Software Update Manager 1. SP17. What is SAP HANA The inmemory computing platform that lets you collect, store, and process high volumes of operational and transactional data in real time. SAP BPC Quick Guide. SAP BPC Quick Guide. SAP BPC Overview. SAP Business Planning and Consolidation BPC tool is used to support all operational and financial activities in an organization. SAP BPC helps in automating and streamlining business forecast, planning, and consolidation activities in your organization. SAP BPC supports two types of migration SAP Net. Weaver and Microsoft Excel. BPC with Microsoft version enables you to perform modeling, application maintenance, importing data and applying transformations, creating scripts, etc. It leverages the power of MS Excel and provides the user with an Enterprise Power Management EPM solution, collaborative tool with robust, readily accepted environment. Contents 5 Contents Foreword 9 Introduction 11 1 Overview of SAP Solutions and Their Optimization Potential 17 1. The SAP Range of Products. Service Provider of SAP Technical SAP ABAP Online Training, SAP ABAP HR Online Training, SAP ABAP Webdynpro Online Training and SAP ABAP Workflow Online Trainings. SAP BPC provides support for existing Microsoft functionality and various enhancement features like drag and drop report builder, etc. Following are the key benefits provided by SAP BPC It allows the user to make better business decisions by supporting What If analysis and allows you to perform scenario based planning. It allows you to collaborate data and thus increase accuracy in business planning and accountability. Sap Netweaver As Implementation And Operation Pdf Download' title='Sap Netweaver As Implementation And Operation Pdf Download' />It helps in aligning your plans with strategic goals and hence decrease the cycle time. You have an option to choose the version of SAP Net. Weaver or Microsoft Platform. Following are the key benefits that can be achieved by using BPC Business Forecasting. Analytical Reporting and Analysis. Budget Planning. Predictive Analysis and Recommendations. Improve Compliance. Sap Netweaver As Implementation And Operation Pdf FileConsolidation. Business Process Flows and Smooth Collaboration. What is EPM SAP Enterprise Performance Management EPM allows your organization to improve its financial and operational performance management. SAP EPM supports various functionalities with SAP Business Planning and Consolidation BPC NW or BPC MS, like financial consolidation, financial information management, supply chain performance management, strategy management and many more areas. SAP BPC Net. Weaver vs BPC MSSAP Business Planning and Consolidation NW version is based on the functionality of Net. Weaver platform. This is built on Net. Weaver HTML5 and supports various user environment capabilities. It also provides various prebuilt components to reuse in different applications. SAP BPC NW version supports RESTful connection to ABAP backend component and provides regular access to user interface. It also supports client side logging capabilities. The following table illustrates the name of the platform and the supported components Client. Microsoft Windows Vista 3. MS windows 7 3. 2 bit and 6. Window Server 2. 00. R2 terminal server 3. Microsoft Office 2. Internet Explorer 9. Mozilla Firefox 1. Apple Safari for i. Pad IOS7 and upper versions. Net. Weaver Application Server. Any OS supported by Net. Weaver. SAP Net. Weaver 7. Refer PAM for supported database. SAP BPC for Net. Weaver provides various advantages since it is integrated with BW system and allows you to store data in Info. Cubes. Some key advantages of using SAP BPC with NW system are Star Schema for Exceptional Reporting SAP BPC uses NW Info. Cubes to store the data. The dimension model used is extended star schema so it makes BPC with NW system and exceptional system for reporting. No Database Dependence Version BPC NW version is not dependent on database version and can run common databases like DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, etc. BW Accelerator Support SAP Net. Weaver BW accelerator tool is an additional feature that can be used to enhance the performance of reporting in the system, even if you are using large datasets. It indirectly helps in saving the cost for a company as less number of performance issues are reported. BAd. I Development and ABAP Support SAP BPC with Net. Weaver allows you to use ABAP programming to develop K2 script logic. It enables to create business add in BAdi interface in the back end system, which can be called later from script logic developed in BPC system. It helps in solving the complex business requirements and to reduce the development time for an organization. Some key advantages of using SAP BPC MS are Apart from common features provided in BPC like currency translation, allocations, validation and account transformations, automatic adjustments and carry forward of opening balance, the following features can be achieved in BPC MS version Dimension Logic This can be configured in BPC system using simple mathematical formulas. Business Rules This allows you to create rules in BPC system to perform specific functions. K2 Script Logic This is used to perform some specific functions which cant be achieved using out of box functionality to meet business requirements. You can create K2 script logics to perform certain functions, which can be performed in a standard system. Many organizations use MS Excel to manage business planning and consolidation but it has some disadvantages. Following are the disadvantages of using BPC MS over Net. Weaver Tough to Manage Excel Spreadsheets As business planning and consolidation data is stored in the form of spreadsheets, it creates a security issue and an option to control access is by keeping the files on the shared network drive. In SAP BPC, you can save the data in database and this provides security of data. Version Control To create a new version of data, SAP BPC with NW allows you to maintain the version of data in the system and you can maintain the current data too. While using Excel spreadsheets for data store, you need to name the file with new name every time. Integrity of Spreadsheets Using spreadsheets make it tough to manage the integrity of the sheets as the same file is accessed by multiple users and its tough to find out the latest version of spreadsheet. However, SAP system has a central repository to maintain financial and business planning data. Collaboration SAP BPC allows you to collaborate data from different users and you can put comments on critical information and Excel doesnt support collaboration feature. SAP BPC with Net. Weaver Architecture. Requirement SAP Net. Weaver ABAP 7. 3 or 7. Database Any of the above version of SAP Net. Weaver support. Operating System Any supported version of SAP Net. Weaver system and database engine. The following figure shows SAP BPC 1. SAP Net. Weaver BW Objects. Difference between SAP BPC v. Web Server component. SAP BPC 7. 5 Net. Banda Eva Discografia Completa. Weaver uses Microsoft ISS, while BPC 1. NW and BPC 1. 0 on HANA use the web server that is part of SAP Net. Weaver. SAP NW 1. Harry Potter Half Blood Prince Full Pc Game. SAP NW 7. 5 IIS in 3. Web Server and Network Load Balancing components are required as these were part of BPC 7. Another difference between the two is version of SAP Net. Weaver. SAP BPC 7. NW supports SAP Net. Weaver 7. 0. 1 and 7. However, SAP BPC 1. Net. Weaver and BPC 1. HANA doesnt support NW 7. Also note that NW 7. SAP Net. Weaver 7. It means SAP BPC 7. NW systems in many organizations are running on older versions of Operating Systems and RDBMS is not supported by SAP Net. Weaver 7. 3. Following are the key Net. Weaver BW Objects SAP BPC Objects. As per the above architecture, following are the key objects in BPC 1. Client Interface At the top, you have client interface which is a web based tool used for configuration and reporting for business planning. It consists of MS Office client, Excel based admin clients, and web based tool for reporting. Microsoft based admin tool is used for configuration of application and Microsoft Office tools such as Word and Power. Point are used for reporting data.