Gradius Rebirth Update
The Ascended Glitch trope as used in popular culture. If a Good Bad Bug is particularly liked by fans of a game, it might be upgraded to the status of a. You have not yet voted on this site If you have already visited the site, please help us classify the good from the bad by voting on this site. Im cheating here a little, but this list would be incomplete without Konamis WiiWareexclusive games, now threatened to be lost forever. Contra ReBirth, Gradius. TitleID Region Name 0004000E000EDF00 USA Super Smash Bros. Update Ver. 1. 1. D7E00 EUR Steel Diver Sub Wars 00040000000EC400 EUR The Legend. This is a list of released video games for the Wii video game consoles which allow use of Classic ControllerClassic Controller Pro andor GameCube controller. Title database Wii. UBrew. MAKE A NOTE IF TITLES WERE ON CDN IN THE PAST AND DO NOT DELETE ENTRIES OF NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE TITLE VERSIONSThis page serves to document the Title ID scheme as used on the Wii U. A Title ID is a 6. The high 3. 2 bits are used to indicate the type of title, and the low 3. For more information on the title ID structure, refer to 3. DBrew. To use these in Uwizard, you must remove the separating the Title ID high and low that editors of this page have added for readability. Make sure the whole thing is copied, as the Uwizard field has a length limitation. Title ID Types Title ID. Gradius Rebirth Update ItunesDownload game ps3 iso, hack game ps3 iso, game ps, game ps3 free, download game ps3 mediafire. Theres a lot to like about the SNES Classic Mini, with the compact box offering plenty of plugandplay 16bit goodness. Save states and the new rewind feature are. Gradius Rebirth Update Internet' title='Gradius Rebirth Update Internet' />Shop title demo Kiosk Interactive Demo. Shop title DLC. e. Shop title update. System Application, last byte OS version. System Data Archive, last byte OS version. Applet title, last byte OS version. DVyQE2HiyWk/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Gradius Rebirth Update On Hurricane' title='Gradius Rebirth Update On Hurricane' />Nintendo Life has you covered for all the latest Nintendo Switch, 3DS and Wii U news along with indepth reviews, features, videos and interviews. We also cover. CoolROM. PS2 ROMs section. Browse Top ROMs or By Letter. Mobile optimized. Title ID Description 00050000 eShop title 00050002 eShop title demo Kiosk Interactive Demo 0005000C eShop title DLC 0005000E eShop title update. Vic_Viper_Laser.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110128045153' alt='Gradius Rebirth Update Flash' title='Gradius Rebirth Update Flash' />System Application Titles Title ID. Ancast encrypted by boot. Bluetooth firmware. Wii mode. 0. 00. 50. Loads the enhanced v. Wii mode for e. Shop titles. Launch day OS before Nintendo Network was fully implemented. A. Base release OS. FF. System updater OS. ATpIS8/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Gradius Rebirth Update Chrome' title='Gradius Rebirth Update Chrome' />Contains the current system version. Contains the current system version. Contains the current system version. System Updater. v. System Updater. v. System Updater. v. System Settings. v. System Settings. v. System Settings. v. Parental Controls. Parental Controls. Parental Controls. A0. 00. 0. 00. 50. A1. 00. 0. 00. 50. A2. 00. 0. 00. 50. B0. 00. Account Settings. B1. 00. Account Settings. B2. 00. Account Settings. C0. 00. 0. 00. 50. C1. 00. 0. 00. 50. C2. 00. 0. 00. 50. D0. 00. v. 0, v. 24, v. D1. 00. v. 0, v. 24, v. Sacred 2 French Patch. D2. 00. v. 0, v. 24, v. E0. 00. Health and Safety Information. E1. 00. Health and Safety Information. E2. 00. Health and Safety Information. A0. 00. v. 9, v. 19, v. A1. 00. v. 9, v. 19, v. A2. 00. v. 9, v. 19, v. SoftwareData Transfer. SoftwareData Transfer. SoftwareData Transfer. B System Data Archive Titles Title ID. B 1. 00. 42. 30. Contains exceptions. B 1. 00. 42. 40. B 1. F0. 00. SWKBD Software Keyboard related. B 1. 00. 50. 00. B 1. B 1. 00. 52. 00. CountryLocation data. B 1. 00. 53. 00. Browser default sites and bad words filter. B 1. 00. 54. 00. B 1. FFLRes. High. dat, FFLRes. High. LG. dat v. 1. B 1. 00. 57. 00. B 1. Resources for DRMApp. B 1. 00. 59. 00. Wii U Electronic Manual. B 1. 00. 59. 10. Wii U Electronic Manual. B 1. 00. 59. 20. Wii U Electronic Manual. B 1. 00. 5C0. 00. Country and language data for nnec. B 1. 00. 5F0. 00. B 1. 00. 63. 00. Wagon. U list of filesfolder for migration. B 1. 00. 65. 00. B 1. Caffeine Title. ID list. B 1. 00. 67. 10. Caffeine Title. ID list. B 1. 00. Caffeine Title. ID list. B 1. 00. 68. 00. MCP Title. ID list. B 1. 00. B 1. 00. 69. 10. B 1. B 1. 00. 6C0. 00. Contains title. IDs of unreleased e. Shop demo titles System Applet Titles Title ID. HOME Menu OSv. 9. HOME Menu OSv. 9. HOME Menu OSv. 9. A. HOME Menu OSv. A. HOME Menu OSv. A. HOME Menu OSv. A. v. 0, v. 16, v. A. v. 0, v. 16, v. A. v. 0, v. 16, v. FF. Error OSv. 25. FF. Error OSv. 25. FF. Error OSv. 25. A. Internet Browser. A. Internet Browser. A. Internet Browser. A. v. 8, v. 19, v. A. v. 8, v. 19, v. A. v. 8, v. 19, v. A. Nintendo e. Shop. A. Nintendo e. Shop. A. Nintendo e. Shop. A. v. 8, v. 19, v. A. v. 8, v. 19, v. A. v. 8, v. 19, v. A. v. 9, v. 18, v. A. v. 9, v. 18, v. A. v. 9, v. 18, v. Wii U Electronic Manual Error. Wii U Electronic Manual Error. Wii U Electronic Manual Error. A. Wii U Electronic Manual. A. Wii U Electronic Manual. A. Wii U Electronic Manual. A. Download Management. A. Download Management. A. Download Management. A. Miiverse Post All. A. Miiverse Post All. A. Miiverse Post All. A1. 0A. AOC Overlay App. D0. 0A. amiibo Settings. D1. 0A. amiibo Settings. D2. 0A. amiibo Settings. E System Update titles Title ID. E 1. FBF1. 00. 0. FBF1. 0 patched. Gamepad update codedrcsimple. Movie. h. 26. 4. v. Shop and disc titles To do. Remove updates and mentions of updates from this list, as they have their own section below. Product Code XXX X XXXX. Available on CDN Wii U EDITION. D0. 0. NintendoJOYSOUND Wii U. A0. 0. LEGO City Undercover. B0. 0. LEGO City Undercover. C0. 0. New U. D0. New Super Mario Bros. U. E0. 0. New Super Mario Bros. U. C0. 0. New Super Mario Bros. U. F0. 0. 0. 00. 50. Nintendo Land. 0. Nintendo Land. 0. NintendoJOYSOUND Wii U. A0. 0. 0. 00. 50. D0. 0. 0. 00. 50. E0. 0. Amazon Instant Video. F0. 0. Amazon Instant Video. C0. 0. 0. 00. 50. D0. 0. 3G HD Ver. A0. 0. 0. 00. 50. D. 0. 00. 50. AT. B0. 0. Assassins Creed III. C0. 0. 0. 00. 50. D0. 0. Super Mario Bros. E0. 0. Super Mario Bros. F0. 0. 0. 00. 50. Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. Kirbys Adventure. Kirbys Adventure. A0. 0. Kirbys Adventure. B0. 0. 0. 00. 50. C0. 0. 0. 00. 50. D0. 0. 0. 00. 50. E0. 0. 0. 00. 50. F0. 0. 0. 00. 50. Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. Balloon Fight. 0. A0. 0. 0. 00. 50. B0. 0. Punch Out Featuring Mr. Dream. 0. 00. 50. C0. 0. 0. 00. 50. E0. 0. 0. 00. 50. F0. 0. Super Mario World. Super Mario World. Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars. Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars. Donkey Kong Country. Donkey Kong Country. The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past. The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past. A0. 0. The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past. B0. 0. The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past. C0. 0. D0. 0. Kirby Super Star. E0. 0. Kirby Super Star. F0. 0. A0. 00. 2. A1. 00. Donkey Kong Country 2 Diddys Kong Quest. A2. 00. Donkey Kong Country 2 Diddys Kong Quest. A3. 00. Donkey Kong Country 2 Diddys Kong Quest. A4. 00. A5. 00. 0. A6. 00. Super Metroid. A7. 00. 0. 00. 50. A8. 00. 0. 00. 50. A9. 00. Super Mario Kart. AA0. 0. Super Mario Kart. AB0. 0. Batman Arkham City Armored Edition. AC0. 0. Ben 1. 0 Omniverse. AD0. 0. 0. 00. 50. AE0. 0. 0. 00. 50. AF0. 0. Marvel Avengers Battle for Earth. B0. 00. 0. 00. 50. B1. 00. Rayman Legends. B2. 00. Scribblenauts Unlimited. B3. 00. Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed. B4. 00. ESPN Sports Connection. B5. 00. TRANSFORMERS PRIME. B6. 00. Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2. B8. 00. Wii U. C7. Mario Sonic at the Sochi 2. Olympic Winter Games. C8. 00. Mario Sonic at the Sochi 2. Olympic Winter Games. CF0. 0. Call of Duty Black Ops II. D7. 00. SKYLANDERS GIANTS. Gratis Do Skype Para Windows 8 more. D8. 00. 0. 00. 50. D9. 00. EA SPORTS FIFA Soccer 1. DA0. 0. 0. 00. 50. DB0. 0. Disney Epic Mickey 2 The Power of Two. DC0. 0. Mass Effect 3 Special Edition. DD0. 0. 0. 00. 50. E3. 00. Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Blacklist. E4. 00. Game Party Champions. E6. 00. 0. 00. 50. E7. 00. Cabelas Dangerous Hunts 2. E8. 00. 0. 00. 50. EA0. 0. OROCHI2 Hyper. EB0. 0. 0. 00. 50. EC0. 0. 0. 00. 50. ED0. 0. 0. 00. 50. EE0. 0. 0. 00. 50. EF0. 0. 0. 00. 50. F0. 00. 0. 00. 50. F1. 00. Rise of the Guardians. F2. 00. Rise of the Guardians The Video Game. F3. 00. Family Party 3. Great Games Obstacle Arcade. F4. 00. TRANSFORMERS PRIME The Game. F5. 00. Mass Effect 3 Special Edition. F6. 00. Assassins Creed III. F7. 00. Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2. F8. 00. TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT Wii U EDITION. F9. 00. Scribblenauts Unlimited. FA0. 0. 0. 00. 50. FB0. 0. 0. 00. 50. FC0. 0. 0. 00. 50. FD0. 0. TANK TANKTANK. FE0. 0. TANK TANK TANK 0. FF0. 0. GAME PARTY CHAMPIONS. TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT 2 Wii U EDITION. Nano Assault Neo. WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Hyper. Nano Assault Neo. Marvel Avengers Battle for Earth.