Concepts Biochemistry Rodney Boyer Pdf
P/071675701X.01._SS500_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg' alt='Concepts Biochemistry Rodney Boyer Pdf' title='Concepts Biochemistry Rodney Boyer Pdf' />Concepts Biochemistry Rodney Boyer Pdf MergeTotal Emissivity of the Earth and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide A Note from Nasif S. Nahle. Introduction. Central to the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming AGW is the assumption that the Earth and every one of its subsystems behaviors as if they were blackbodies, that is their emissivity potential is calculated as 1. Concepts Biochemistry Rodney Boyer Pdf CompressorBut this is an erroneous assumption because the Earth and its subsystems are not blackbodies, but gray bodies. The Earth and all of its subsystems are gray bodies because they do not absorb the whole load of radiant energy that they receive from the Sun and they do not emit the whole load of radiant energy that they absorb. Furthermore the role of carbon dioxide is misunderstood. According to AGW hypothesis, carbon dioxide is the second most significant driver of the Earths temperature, behind the water vapor, which is considered the most important driver of the Earths climate. Other authors of AGW discharge absolutely the role of water vapor and focus their arguments on the carbon dioxide. What is the total emissivity of carbon dioxide I will consider this question with reference to the science of radiative heat transfer. Total Emissivity of the Carbon Dioxide The Partial Pressures Method. In 1. 95. 4, Hoyt C. Hottel undertook an experiment for determining the total emissivity of the carbon dioxide and the water vapor 6. He found that the total emissivity was linked to the temperature of the gas and its partial pressure. As the temperature increased above 2. K, the total emissivity of the carbon dioxide decreased, and as the partial pressure p of the carbon dioxide increased, its total emissivity also increased. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 9781464126116 Medicine Health Science Books Amazon. Hottel found also that the total emissivity of the carbon dioxide in a saturated state was very low cd 0. Tcd 1,1. 16 C. As Hottel diminished the partial pressure of the carbon dioxide, its total emissivity also decreased in such form that, below a partial pressure of 0. C, the total emissivity of the carbon dioxide was not quantifiable because it was almost zero. After Hottels experiment, in 1. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura, which may lead to bleeding, is typically caused by antibodies directed against the platelet glycoprotein IIbIIIa complex. Kostenlos Spielgeld Drucken on this page. Since the. Enzimler, kataliz yapan yani kimyasal tepkimelerin hzn artran biyomolekllerdir. Enzim tepkimelerinde, bu. Responses to Total Emissivity of the Earth and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide A Note from Nasif S. Nahle. El bixido de carbono es un compuesto orgnico formado por un tomo del carbono y de dos tomos de oxgeno OCO. Learn more about biology, paramecium, chemistry, electronics, microscopy Microscope, Amateur Radio, Photography, Radio Astronomy, Science, Home Learning and much. Bo Leckner made the same experiment and corrected and error on the graphs plotted by Hottel. However, Leckners results placed the carbon dioxide in a lower stand than that found by Hottel. The missing part, however, remained at the real partial pressure of the carbon dioxide in the Earths atmosphere and instantaneous temperatures. Contemporary authors, like Michael Modest, and Donald Pitts and Leighton Sissom made use of the following formula to know the total emissivity of the carbon dioxide considering the whole emissive spectrum, at any instantaneous tropospheric temperature and altitude 6 7 8 cd 1 a 1 1 PEa b 1 PE e c Log. Lm pa. L2 cd08Introducing 7. Evidently, the carbon dioxide is not a blackbody, but a very inefficient emitter a gray body. For comparison, Acetylene has a total emissivity that is 4. After getting this outstanding result, I proceeded to test my results by means of another methodology that is also based on experimental and observational data. The algorithm is outlined in the following section. Total Emissivity of CO2 Mean Free Path Length and Crossing Time Lapse of QuantumWaves Method. The mean free path length is the distance traversed by quantumwaves through a given medium before it collides with a particle with gravitational mass. The crossing time lapse is the time spent by the quantumwaves on crossing a determined medium in this case, the atmosphere is such medium. As the carbon dioxide is an absorber of longwave IR, we will consider only the quantumwaves emitted by the surface towards the outer space. The mean free path length of quantumwaves emitted by the surface, traversing the Earths troposphere, is l 4. Considering l 4. I obtained the crossing time lapse t 0. By introducing t into the following equation, we obtain the real total emissivity of the atmospheric carbon dioxide cd 1 et 1s 9 1. Therefore, the total emissivity of the atmospheric carbon dioxide obtained by considering the mean free path length and the crossing time lapse for the quantumwaves emitted from the surface coincides with the value obtained from the partial pressures method cd 1 0. The difference is 0. Conclusions. In the introduction I asked What is the total emissivity of carbon dioxide In this note I have calculated the real total emissivity of the atmospheric carbon dioxide at its current partial pressure and instantaneous temperature to be 0. Clearly carbon dioxide is not a nearly blackbody system as suggested by the IPCC and does not have an emissivity of 1. Quite the opposite, given its total absorptivity, which is the same than its total emissivity, the carbon dioxide is a quite inefficient on absorbing and emitting radiation making it a gray body. Accepting that carbon dioxide is not a black body and that the potential of the carbon dioxide to absorb and emit radiant energy is negligible, I conclude that the AGW hypothesis is based on unreal magnitudes, unreal processes and unreal physics. Acknowledgements This blog post was inspired by Chapter 1. Slaying the Sky Dragon. This first catechism will be referred to in a later figure as the Cold Earth Fallacy, and it is based on the erroneous assumption that the earths surface and all the other entities involved in its radiative losses to free space all have unit emissivity. The second catechism has already been discussed the contention that Venus high surface temperature is caused by the greenhouse effect of its CO2 atmosphere. Dr. Martin Hertzberg. Slaying the Sky Dragon Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory. Chapter 1. 2. Page 1. Slaying Sky Dragon Greenhouse ebookdpB0. DNWJN6. References1. Hertzberg, Martin. Slaying the Sky Dragon Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory. Chapter 1. 2. Page 1. Greenhouse. Effect. And. Climate. Change. Page 6. 3. http www. Product. PagesBlack. Body. htm5. http www. Cosasomegaemisivity. Hottel, H. C. Radiant Heat Transmission 3rd Edition. Mc. Graw Hill, NY. Leckner, B. The Spectral and Total Emissivity of Water Vapor and Carbon Dioxide. Combustion and Flame. Volume 1. 7 Issue 1 August 1. Pages 3. 7 4. 4. 8. Modest, Michael F. Radiative Heat Transfer Second Edition. Elsevier Science, USA and Academic Press, UK. Lang, Kenneth. Astrophysical Formulae. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Vol. 1. Sections 1. Maoz, Dan. Astrophysics in a Nutshell. Princeton University Press. Pp. 3. 6 4. 1 1. Dr. Hertzberg is an internationally recognized expert on combustion, flames, explosions, and fire research with over 1. He established and supervised the explosion testing laboratory at the U. S. Bureau of Mines facility in Pittsburgh now NIOSH. Test equipment developed in that laboratory have been widely replicated and incorporated into ASTM standards. Published test results from that laboratory are used for the hazard evaluation of industrial dusts and gases. While with the Federal Government he served as a consultant for several Government Agencies MSHA, DOE, NAS and professional groups such as EPRI. He is the author of two US patents 1 Submicron Particulate Detectors, and 2 Multichannel Infrared Pyrometers. Read more from Nasif by scrolling here http jennifermarohasy. Bixido de Carbono CO2 y Vida. EL BIXIDO DE CARBONO Y LA SALUD HUMANALos contaminantes son materiales dainos para los seres vivientes. Al igual que el agua, el CO2 es vital para todos los seres vivientes luego pues, el CO2 no es un agente contaminante, sino necesario para la vida. El calor especfico del CO2 es 8. JKg K, por lo cual es capaz de absorber y emitir calor. Sin embargo, no podemos tomar esta caracterstica en consideracin para clasificar al CO2 como un contaminante porque el agua tiene un calor especfico de 1. JKg K, lo cual la hace ser ms eficiente que el CO2 para absorber, emitir y almacenar el calor, y tanto el agua como el CO2 son vitales para los seres vivientes. El CO2 ha aumentado a densidades por encima de 4. Wallace S. Broecker, de la Universidad de Columbia demostr que el CO2 atmosfrico actual no ha sido emitido por los seres humanos, sino por procesos naturales que han actuado desde hace 8. Cuando el CO2 ha alcanzado niveles tan altos de densidad en la atmsfera terrestre, la vida ha prosperado abundantemente. Por lo tanto, no podemos considerar la concentracin atmosfrica de CO2 para clasificarlo como un agente contaminante. El CO2 es el alimento bsico de las plantas y de otros organismos fotosintticos. Las plantas son la base de todas las cadenas de alimentos, as, a mayor densidad de CO2, en cualquier ambiente, mayor produccin de alimento para las plantas y los animales. El CO2 se ha relacionado con el calentamiento global de la Tierra, pero el agua en la fase lquida o gaseosa absorbe, conserva y emite el calor cuatro veces ms eficientemente que el CO2. Si el agua no es considerada un agente contaminador por esta razn, el CO2 tampoco puede considerarse como un agente contaminante. El bixido de carbono no intoxica porque no es un veneno o sustancia txica. Los datos del CO2 relacionados con la salud humana son los siguientes Densidad actual de CO2 en la atmsfera 0. Kgm. 3 de aire. Niveles normales de CO2. Los efectos del nivel aumentado de CO2 en personas adultas con buena salud se pueden resumir de la siguiente manera Niveles exteriores normales 3. Niveles aceptables hasta 6. Sequedad y olor 6. Estndar seguro establecido por la Sociedad Americana de Ingenieros en Calefaccin, Aire Acondicionado y Refrigeracin ASHRAE y por la Administracin para la Seguridad y Salud Laborales Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA 1. Estupor 1. 00. 0 2. Mxima concentracin permitida dentro de un perodo laboral de 8 horas 5. Los niveles anotados en los prrafos anteriores son normales. Los niveles mximos suceden de vez en cuando. Niveles de CO2 extremos y peligrosos Aumento de la frecuencia cardiaca y respiratoria, y nusea por carencia de oxgeno 3. Dolores de cabeza y debilidad visual 5. Inconsciencia, muerte por exposicin prolongada 1. Como usted puede ver, el bixido de carbono no intoxica, sino que asfixia. Todos los efectos escritos en los prrafos antedichos corresponden a asfixia, no a envenenamiento sin embargo, el agua y la arena tambin asfixian y no se consideran agentes contaminantes. Por lo tanto, el CO2 tampoco puede considerarse como un agente contaminante simplemente porque asfixia. Muchos han intentado marcar al CO2 con la etiqueta de contaminante porque es un producto de la quema de combustibles fsiles. Sin embargo, el CO2 es un producto de la respiracin, de la fermentacin y de la putrefaccin. Adems, el CO2 liberado por la ignicin de combustibles fsiles haba sido tomado antes por los organismos fotosintticos desde el medio ambiente y convertido en los compuestos orgnicos que fueron utilizados en funciones metablicas, para formar estructuras, en la reproduccin, en la herencia, etc. Esos organismos fotosintticos murieron y sus cadveres fueron sometidos a procesos geolgicos poderosos que convirtieron toda la materia orgnica en petrleo, carbn y metano. Lectura RecomendadaEsos productos son los combustibles fsiles que utilizamos en nuestras industrias y vehculos por lo tanto, solamente estamos devolviendo al CO2 hacia el lugar que ocupaba antes, durante el perodo carbonfero. Entonces, El CO2 no puede ser considerado como un agente contaminador solo porque se libera al ambiente por medio de la combustin de combustibles orgnicos y a travs de muchos procesos naturales no relacionados con la vida. BIBLIOGRAFALodish, H., Berk, Arnold, et al. Molecular Cell Biology. W. H. Freeman and Company New York, New York. Boyer, Rodney. Concepts in Biochemistry. BrooksCole Publishing Company Thomson Corporation Stamford, CT. Krupp, Marcus A. and Chatton, Milton J. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment. Lange Medical Publications. New York, NY. Callen, Jean Claude. Biologie Cellulaire. Des Molcules aux Organisms. Cours et questions de rvision. Dunod. Paris, France. EOS. Vol. 8. 7, No. January 2. 00. 6. Last revision on 0.